The actress shared two throwback pictures on Instagram and tagged Salman along with David in her post. She wrote, "20 years of #dulhanhumlejayenge. Time flies! I remember this super fun shoot in Mauritius so fondly! @beingsalmankhan @david.dhawan #tuesdaythoughts (sic)."
the Dulhan Hum Le Jayenge hindi movies
Karisma Kapoor and Salman Khan's film Dulhan Hum Le Jayenge completed 20 years on Tuesday and on the occasion, the actress shared a set of pictures from her "super fun shoot" and it will totally cheer you up. The pictures from the shoot, that took place in Mauritius, featured Karisma and Salman posing in epic ways for the camera. In one of the pictures, Karisma and Salman can be seen looking and smiling at each other while in another, the actor can be seen holding Karisma by her waist and looking at the camera. Sharing the pictures, Karisma wrote: "20 years of #dulhanhumlejayenge. Time flies! I remember this super fun shoot in Mauritius so fondly! #tuesdaythoughts." 2ff7e9595c